Marko Zubak was born in 1979 in Zagreb, Croatia, in an artist surrounding, and started to create soon, playing in the family gallery on the island Rab. He starts studying painting at “Accademia delle belle arti di Bologna”, Italy in 1999. After three years of studying he moved to Barcelona where he concluded his degree in “Facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona”, in 2006. In the same year, he starts the course of multimedia in CIPSA school and finishes it in 2008. Currently, he is working and producing in his studios in Zagreb and Rovinj.
2006. Exhibition of paintings, Gallery Iris, Barcelona
2010. Paintings and installations exhibition, gallery ‘Izidor Kršnjavi’, Zagreb, Croatia
»see pics
2010. Paintings and video exhibition, gallery Tir, Nova Gorica, Slovenia »see pics
2010. ‘ye-boT initiative’ show, paper toy project, ULUPUH gallery, Zagreb, Croatia »see pics
2011. ‘Un monde aux frontières du réel’, paintings and sculptures, CovArt Gallery, Luxembourg »see pics
2011. ‘Paper Toys im OK’ – NEXTCOMIC festival: 1. room: II LOVE mag & ye-boT initiative show, video projection: “Thought control” 2. room: “St. Bugbot”, installation and scenography for stop motion video, OK Offenes Kulturhaus OÖ, Linz, Austria »see pics
2016. PAPER TOYS, cardboard sculptures, Österr. Papiermachermuseum, Laakirchen-Steyrermühl, Austria
2017. PAPERBOTS, Österr. Papiermachermuseum, Laakirchen-Steyrermühl, Austria
2017. Paperbots: Terms of surrender, MMC Ulika, Bale, Croatia
2017. MLIBTY Shadows & Papertoys Show, Lucca Comics&Games 2017, Lucca, Italy
2020. Interdisciplinary worlds, Gradska galerija Crikvenica, Croatia
2022. “Waiting for the waiters to be replaced by robots”, Green Peekport Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2023. Paper energy, Museum Croata insulanus of city of Prelog
2005. “Imprezona”, gallery Miscelanea, Barcelona
2007. Alpok-Adria-Pannonia International art exhibition, Castillo Batthyany, Körmend, Hungary
2008. “YEBOMAYCU project”, Prostor Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia (solo)
2009. “Paper Toy and Pop Out Show”, Pink Hobo Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2009. “Bugbots”, MM centar, Studentski Centar, Zagreb, Croatia
2009. “FabFibe show”, paper toy show, Sculpture Square, Singapore
2010. Paintings, Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Orxeta, Orxeta, España
2011. “Paper Toy II”, Pink Hobo Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2011. “Petits Formats, grandes Signatures”, CovArt Gallery, Luxembourg
2012. Galerija Greta, Zagreb, »video: St. Bugbot (solo)
2013. Annual exhibition of HDLU members »video: No place for paper toys
2013. 2nd BIENNALE OF PAINTING / VIENNA CALLING, Home of HDLU – Meštrović Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia
2014. BORROWORROB: In Search of Symmetry, Home of HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
2015. MLIBTY Shadows, In-situ event at Siva galerija, Medika, Zagreb, Croatia (solo)
2015. Urban Paper Collective Show, Sauerland-Museum, Arnsberg, Germany
2015. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2016. OTOTOY: Art toys, Centro Cultural F., Medellin/ Bogota, Colombia
2016. Art colony Rovinj 2016, Rovinj Heritage Museum
2016. Urban Paper Collective Show, Sauerland-Museum, Arnsberg, Germany
2016. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2016. The 33rd YOUTH SALON – BUDGET, Home of HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
2017. (dis)placement exhibition, Ugly Duck, London, UK
2017. Art colony Rovinj 2017, Rovinj Heritage Museum
2017. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2017. (dis)placement exhibition II, Jacaranda, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2017. STROKE ART FAIR 2017, Munich, Germany
2017. “A journey into the Universe of Art Toys”, Topic Puppets Museum, Tolosa, Spain
2018. “Nur kelbetti Astana”, international painting exhibition, National museum of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan
2019. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2020. 55. ZAGREBAČKI SALON, Zagreb, Croatia
2020. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2021. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2022. DADA collective show, at NFTNYC, New York, USA
2022. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2024. Annual exhibition of HDLU members
2019. Radical X Change Detroit: DADA.art collective Channel auction, Detroit, USA
2019. International Digital Art Festival 2019 (iDAF), Manchester, UK
2019. RAREAF 2, NYC blockchain week, USA
2019. Ethereal Summit-DADA.art collective: Soul in the machine, New York, USA
2019. Devcon 5: DAOSaka, Osaka, Japan
2019. UNIQLO TATE LATES NAM JUNE PAIK: Random Access, DADA.art collective, interactive live art performance at the Tate Modern, London, UK 2020. VANCOUVER BIENNALE- ART & TECHNOLOGY EXPO
2020. NFT_NYC, Non-fungible token event, New York, USA
2020. ETH Denver, USA
2021. Virtual Niche, first cryptoart exhibiton in China, Beijing + Shanghai
2021. Dreamverse, NYC, USA
2022. NFT, the birth of new tools, Tong Gallery, Beijing, China
2022. DYOR, Kunsthalle Zürich, Switzerland
2023. DADA “Perspective”, MEET, Digital Culture Center, Milano, Italy
2023. TZOMPANTLI, (OPUNTIA, Mexican Cryptoart Collective), NFT Factory, Paris, France
2024. DADA 10th Anniversary, Uncommon Gallery, Seoul, Corea, 19 – 31. July 2024.
2024. NFC Lisbon, Portugal
2024. DIGITAL ART MEETS THE MEDITERRANEAN, DADA collective & Medseart, Menorca, Spain
2025. ALIAS: BEYOND CREATION, Artverse gallery, Paris, France
National museum of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan (paintings)
2010. VIDEOMEDEJA, International Video Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad: »video: Yebo studio
2012. NextComic Festival, OK Offenes Kulturhaus OÖ, Linz, Austria, »video: St. Bugbot
2012. Athens Video*/Art Festival, Greece, »video: St. Bugbot
2012. 3rd Urban Arts Festival, Angers-Paris-Brussels, »video: St. Bugbot
2013. Baranja Animation Festival (BAF!), Croatia, »video: No place for paper toys
2013. Animateka 10th IAFF, Ljubljana, Slovenia, »video: No place for paper toys
2008. “Take away”, custom paper toy contest: Best paper toy (Spain, traveling show)
2012. 3rd Artaq Urban Arts awards, France, for video catgegory: »video: St. Bugbot
2014. Grisia, Open Air Art Exhibition, Croatia (purchase award)
2019. ULUPUH award for best solo exhibition in 2018.
2019. Honorary member of ULUPUH
» Kontejner #8, magazine, Slovenia, 2008.
» ALITTLEBEAT, magazine, Spain, 2009.
» Computer Arts Projects, magazine, UK (#126, August 2009.)
» “Papercraft” book, Design and Art with Paper, R.Klanten, S.Ehmann, B.Meyer. Published by Gestalten, Berlin, Germany, 2009.
» “Paper Toy Monsters” book, by Brian Castelforte, Workman publishing, New York, USA, 2010.
» Artaq bookzine 2012, Artaq Urban Arts awards 2012.
» “Paper Robots” book, by Nick Knite, h.f.ullmann publishing, Potsdam, Germany, 2013.
HZSU – Croatian freelancer artist’s association
HDLU – Croatian Association of Artist, Zagreb
ULUPUH – Croatian Association of Fine Artists of Applied Arts