“Virtual Niche” — the world’s first Cryptoart exhibition to be held in China
First Supper, a collective artwork by Shortcut, Josie, BlackBoxDotArt, Vansdesign, Alotta Money, TwistedVacancy, Coldie, Hackatao, XCOPY, MattKane, Rutger van der Tas, ConnieDigital, and myself, will be part of this show, as a milestone work of programmable Cryptoart. Instead of being a static work of art, the painting consists of 22 layers and constantly changes in […]
The Sage of the MetaGame for MetaFest – March 7th-April 4th
My latest papertoy is made for the MetaGame MetaFest, taking place from March 7th till April 4th. More here: https://metafest.metagame.wtf/ MetaFest is a conference/hackathon/festival and much more… The The Sage of the MetaGame papertoy exists on blockchian, as NFT. That means that anyone can access it, but only one account can be the guardian of […]
ETH Denver 2021
ARTIFACTS OF THE METAVERSE, ETHDenver exhibition. Visit in VR Gallery: https://cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=N@233W,55N Full Auction Collection: https://opensea.io/col…/ethdenver-2021-art-gallery-auction Info for the art related events: https://linktr.ee/irlart.
My latest solo exhibition opened on Thursday 13.8., in Gradska galerija Crikvenica and it will be available for viewing till 2.9. 2020. Reviews: ENG: https://akademija-art.hr/2020/08/15/marko-zubak-interdisciplinarni-svjetovi/ HR: https://otvoreno.hr/kultura/svecano-otvorena-samostalna-izlozba-marka-zubaka-interdisciplinarni-svjetovi/311877
BROADCASTING TO THE UNDERGROUND (The biggest art collab in the whole Metaverse)
BROADCASTING TO THE UNDERGROUND from Marko Zubak on Vimeo. Filmed entirely inside CryptoVoxles, a virtual world powered by the Ethereum blockchain, where players can buy land and build stores and art galleries.BROADCASTING TO THE UNDERGROUND is a virtual reality art installation, built exclusively for Pranskyland, the largest art collaboration in the whole Metaverse to date, […]
Intervju za IstraIN
MARKO ZUBAK: Moj umjetnički svijet prilično je raznovrstan i slojevit, a na nekim mjestima skrivaju se i nagrade
Live on RareAF: Canceled Papertoy show now in VR!
My new VR exhibition will be featured on Rare Art Festival 2020. I’ll be speaking about my latest works and about Papertoy show that was supposed to take place in April, in MMC Gallery Umag, Croatia, but was cancelled due to COVID-19 and now it moved to CryptoVoxles. Join me on 15.5. 22h CEST on […]