Exhibition “Voxels in MLIBTY Shadows series“, in MLIBTY gallery in CRYPTOVOXELS, now officially open, from
Feb. 2020, ’til… LINK: https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=E@248E,1U,306S Check it out!
Been working a lot this year, this is only a small part of finished pieces.
My new “Time will show” crypto-papertoy series now available as “rare digital” editions, with proof of authenticity on blockchain! Check it out at MakersPlace!
Thief with two paintings, mixed media, 30x30x30 cm, 2016.
“Falling into infinity” is multiplying in the “Post city” chapter.
Commercial projects and books featuring my paper toys.
About a paper toy who dared to stand up against the sameness and intended to occupy it’s space in their world of objects.
Second video for “ye-boT initiative” and my biggest video project.
I made this paper toy specially for Cooper’s 2nd Annual Group Art Show at Munky King Gallery, Sept. 10, 2011. With more than 100 artists from around the world participating in the show called “Stop It!”, the aim is to bring the awareness to bullying and cyber bullying. This toy will be available for free […]
Exclusive paper toy I did for my paper toy exhibition, as a special feature of NextComic festival in Linz, is available for free from today! » download
I made it, finally, also with this issue!! Just before my PAPER TOYS exhibition @ NextComic festival in OK center! It was a real struggle with time, I even got flue, but here it is! »direct download
This is my current exhibition @ CovArt gallery, in Luxembourg. The sculptures and big paintings are exposed for the first time on this show and they are accompanied with few older works. The gallery space is really great, illumination is excellent, not to mention Philippe et Catherine COUPELLIER, gallery founders! You can see more images […]
My video ‘Yebo studio’ entered the competition programme of Videomedeja, which will take place between 17. XII and 19. XII 2010. in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad. www.videomedeja.org
Click here for direct download or visit yebomaycu.com for older issues.
Sixth issue of II LOVE is dedicated to Vincenzo Cianciullo, aka Vinsart. In this issue you’ll find an interview with this exceptional Italian artit, (both in English and Italian) and an interesting selection of his works. Specially for this issue he created a custom of his Giovannino paper toy and few more surprises. Click here […]
This is the what I’ve been working on lately… …the sculpture of the crossbowman, 14th century knight from the island Rab (Croatia). I’ve been commissioned to make this sculpture for the hotel Imperial and it’s a first sculpture of Rab’s crossbowman ever. (The crossbow is original). It was made from the metal plates, so the […]