Exhibition “Voxels in MLIBTY Shadows series“, in MLIBTY gallery in CRYPTOVOXELS, now officially open, from
Feb. 2020, ’til… LINK: https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=E@248E,1U,306S Check it out!
Been working a lot this year, this is only a small part of finished pieces.
My new “Time will show” crypto-papertoy series now available as “rare digital” editions, with proof of authenticity on blockchain! Check it out at MakersPlace!
Thief with two paintings, mixed media, 30x30x30 cm, 2016.
“Falling into infinity” is multiplying in the “Post city” chapter.
Commercial projects and books featuring my paper toys.
About a paper toy who dared to stand up against the sameness and intended to occupy it’s space in their world of objects.
Second video for “ye-boT initiative” and my biggest video project.
New works under Infinity Falls series, inside Post City chapter!
Selection of MLIBTY Shadows paintings NEW under PAINTINGS menu!
First Supper, a collective artwork by Shortcut, Josie, BlackBoxDotArt, Vansdesign, Alotta Money, TwistedVacancy, Coldie, Hackatao, XCOPY, MattKane, Rutger van der Tas, ConnieDigital, and myself, will be part of this show, as a milestone work of programmable Cryptoart. Instead of being a static work of art, the painting consists of 22 layers and constantly changes in […]
My latest papertoy is made for the MetaGame MetaFest, taking place from March 7th till April 4th. More here: https://metafest.metagame.wtf/ MetaFest is a conference/hackathon/festival and much more… The The Sage of the MetaGame papertoy exists on blockchian, as NFT. That means that anyone can access it, but only one account can be the guardian of […]