Exhibition “Voxels in MLIBTY Shadows series“, in MLIBTY gallery in CRYPTOVOXELS, now officially open, from
Feb. 2020, ’til… LINK: https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=E@248E,1U,306S Check it out!
Been working a lot this year, this is only a small part of finished pieces.
My new “Time will show” crypto-papertoy series now available as “rare digital” editions, with proof of authenticity on blockchain! Check it out at MakersPlace!
Thief with two paintings, mixed media, 30x30x30 cm, 2016.
“Falling into infinity” is multiplying in the “Post city” chapter.
Commercial projects and books featuring my paper toys.
About a paper toy who dared to stand up against the sameness and intended to occupy it’s space in their world of objects.
Second video for “ye-boT initiative” and my biggest video project.
Pored dodjele nagrada uručit će se pohvala za najbolju samostalnu izložbu „Blockhead: Disoriented Series“ autoru Marku Zubaku.
My new “Time will show” crypto-papertoy series now available as “rare digital” editions, with proof of authenticity on blockchain! Check it out at MakersPlace!
New sculpture in my gallery!
Na izložbi “Grisia” izložio sam rad “Krvavi postotak” i evo mi ga sad!
Jedan od dražih intervjua, od slika i skulptura do papertoysa i Astane…
Radionica će se održati 23. i 27. travnja od 17 do 19 sati na Terasi Circola.
U Galeriji ULUPUH u ožujku će se otvoriti izložba SVIJET PAPERTOYSA na kojoj će Marko Zubak (1979.) izložiti skulpture od papira i kartona, tzv. paper toys (igračke od papira). Povodom te izložbe, Galerija ULUPUH organizira natječaj za djecu i mlade – izradi svoju igračku od papira. Prijave do 28.