Intervju za IstraIN
MARKO ZUBAK: Moj umjetnički svijet prilično je raznovrstan i slojevit, a na nekim mjestima skrivaju se i nagrade
Live on RareAF: Canceled Papertoy show now in VR!
My new VR exhibition will be featured on Rare Art Festival 2020. I’ll be speaking about my latest works and about Papertoy show that was supposed to take place in April, in MMC Gallery Umag, Croatia, but was cancelled due to COVID-19 and now it moved to CryptoVoxles. Join me on 15.5. 22h CEST on the following link:
Here is the link to the VR exhibition:,299S
Marko Zubak: The Creativity of Independence
Voxels in MLIBTY Shadows series, VR exhibition
Honored to be part of this live performance at Tate Modern, London.
More about the event here:
Watch The Live Streaming:
Friday, November
29, 18:00-21:30, London Time.
More here:
To celebrate lunch of my Social Money called BLOODY PERCENT, I give away 1001 $BPC to the 13 fastest! To claim yours, click this link:
My Lobby Is Better Than Yours
My Lobby Is Better Than Yours, voxeltoys environmental installation in @cryptovoxels, inspired by @rushkoff article “Survival of the Richest”:
MLIBTY Papertoy VR show:
Exhibition “My life is better than yours: Regulators“, in Purple Punk gallery in CRYPTOVOXELS, now officially open, from 27.VII. 2019, ’til…
Feat. papertoy collaboration with @MattiaC!
Check it out!
Some of the latest works added to portfolio!
Follow me on CREARY and earn!
CREARY is the social network of creative portfolios based on the blockchain that rewards creatives and curators.
My first VR exhibition
MLIBTY Shadow portraits
This is first MLIBTY Shadows virtual exhibition, where I decided to show few selected portraits of the shadows. Some portraits are made with ink on paper, some are drawn digitally, some are animated into gifs, some are frames from the videos, while for some I used real sculptures as models.
Click here and go directly to the gallery in 3D view:,314S
New paintings
MLIBTY blockchain art
Dodjela ULUPUH-ovih nagrada u 2018. godini
Crypto papertoys!!
Bridled shadow
Krvavi postotak/ Bloody percent
Intervju za Kulturflux
Baka Librić papertoy stop motion radionica
Voditelj: Marko Zubak
Radionica će se održati 23. i 27. travnja od 17 do 19 sati na Terasi Circola. Namijenjena je djeci u dobi od 4 do 14 godina, a dobro došli su i roditelji i ostali članovi obitelji. Tema ove stop motion radionice je poznata Baka Librić, a na početku će mali polaznici dobiti već složene papirnate igračke (papertoy) u obliku svoje omiljene bake. Animirat će je prolazeći kroz proces stop motion animiranja. U ovom dijelu radionice mogu se uključiti i polaznici koji su napravili Baku Librić u školi ili kod kuće, ako dođu sa svojim već složenim radom. Svaki polaznik također mora imati svoj aparat za snimanje, što može biti bilo koji uređaj koji ima kameru i može snimati fotografije. U radionici se osobito preporučuje korištenje mobilnih uređaja, jer postoje aplikacije za stop motion, pa polaznici mogu tijekom snimanja vidjeti u kojem se smjeru kreću. Na kraju će se montirati zajednički video sastavljen od uspjelih radova polaznika.
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