Paper Robots book!







New paper toy book is coming out! This time it’s a project runned by Nick Knite, for h.f.ullmann publishing. These are my two paper toys, made exclusively for the “Paper Robots” book, featuring 25 toys from 15 worlds finest papertoy artists! The book will be available on several languages.

It’s a real pleasure to be, once again, in a company with paper toy artist like Sal Azad, Tougui, Vinsart, 3eyedbear, Nick Knite, MCK, Matt Hawkins, Marshall Alexander, Abz, Shin Tanaka, Brian Castleforte, Dolly Oblong, Jonny Chiba and Scott Schaller!

You can buy this book on Amazon!

“No place for paper toys” on Baranja Animation Festival (BAF!)


My work “No place for paper toys” will be screened on Baranja Animation Festival (BAF!), from 23. to 24.08.2013, on Green Island in Batina, Croatia. This time it’s surrounded by impressive list of international animations; it’s a real pleasure to be part of it!

Check it out: BAF!

Working on a scene with Paper Toy…


MLIBTY shadow scene with Paper Toy. Video out as well, some time in the future!!
Check it out!

“Making of”, my biggest Bugbot ever! More than 1400m2 !!

Muzej ulične umjetnosti se na poziv Vipneta proširio i na Žitnjak. Nakon pozivnog umjetničkog natječaja na kojem je sudjelovalo više domaćih street-art umjetnika, glasovanjem zaposlenika Vipneta kao najbolje kreativno rješenje izabran je moj rad. Pogledajte umjetničko djelo na površini od preko 1400 m2 i „making of” video.


My “St. Bugbot” video @ Athens Video*/Art Festival 2012


International festival of digital arts & new media
Historic center of Athens, Stoa Kourtaki
18. – 20. May 2012

This year’s program exceeds 15 hours in duration presenting several aspects of contemporary creation and examining topics such as the economic crisis, the relationship between nature and human societies, technological developments as well. One of the five main Blocks of the festival program, consisting of Video Art, Animation, as well as selected compilations from various International festivals, will provide viewers with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a series of production techniques from all over the world.

II LOVE #9, November edition



I always have less and less time for side projects, but after relatively long period, I managed to publish another issue of II LOVE. It’s not big edition, but I’m really proud of the exclusive toys featured in this number! Thank you guys!!

Interviews: Matt Hawkins, Josh Buczynski, Adam Lawrence Article:NextComic festival: Paper Toys in OK Offenes Kulturhaus Paper toys:Matt Hawkins, Josh Buczynski, Adam Lawrence

Free direct »download or read on issuu.


Un articulo sobre mi y mis papeles en BeCreativeOrDie! Viene con un juguete exclusivo inspirado con el mismo nombre de blog!!


Amores de papel y mundos de cartón. Marko Zubak.

En este caso les traemos una nota que nos dió el artista croata Marko Zubak (a.k.a. Yebo Maycu) quién además diseño especialmente para BCOD un paper toy, el cual podrán ver y descargar al final de esta nota! Hoy más que nunca… Read the full article on BeCreativeOrDie!
bcod BCOD, the exclusive toy I made for the blog, inspired by it’s name. ››download

Cooper’s birthday show @ Munky King

I made this paper toy specially for Cooper’s 2nd Annual Group Art Show at Munky King Gallery, Sept. 10, 2011. With more than 100 artists from around the world participating in the show called “Stop It!”, the aim is to bring the awareness to bullying and cyber bullying.

This toy will be available for free download after the show, so be sure to come back and get my latest work!

Paper toy show at NextComic festival in OK center, Linz!


Exclusive paper toy I did for my paper toy exhibition, as a special feature of NextComic festival in Linz, is available for free from today!
» download

II LOVE #8 finally out!


I made it, finally, also with this issue!! Just before my PAPER TOYS exhibition @ NextComic festival in OK center! It was a real struggle with time, I even got flue, but here it is!

»direct download


Exhibition at CovArt gallery: “Un monde aux frontières du réel”

This is my current exhibition @ CovArt gallery, in Luxembourg. The sculptures and big paintings are exposed for the first time on this show and they are accompanied with few older works. The gallery space is really great, illumination is excellent, not to mention Philippe et Catherine COUPELLIER, gallery founders!
You can see more images on Flickr.

“Yebo studio” at VIDEOMEDEJA, International Video Festival

My video ‘Yebo studio’ entered the competition programme of Videomedeja, which will take place between 17. XII and 19. XII 2010. in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad.


II LOVE, issue #7 out now!!

Click here for direct download
or visit for older issues.

II LOVE #6: Vinsart special edition


Sixth issue of II LOVE is dedicated to Vincenzo Cianciullo, aka Vinsart.
In this issue you’ll find an interview with this exceptional Italian artit, (both in English and Italian) and an interesting selection of his works. Specially for this issue he created a custom of his Giovannino paper toy and few more surprises.
Click here for direct download or visit for older issues.


Rab’s crossbowman sculpture

This is the what I’ve been working on lately…

Skulptura Rapskog samostreličara

…the sculpture of the crossbowman, 14th century knight from the island Rab (Croatia).
I’ve been commissioned to make this sculpture for the hotel Imperial and it’s a first sculpture of Rab’s crossbowman ever. (The crossbow is original).

It was made from the metal plates, so the process of creating was the same as when creating a paper toy, but instead of glue I had to weld all the parts. This sculpture wouldn’t be possible to realize without certain paper crafting experience.

Novi list Metro Croportal

ye-boT exhibition, ULUPUH gallery, Zagreb

ULUPUH ye-boT initiative show

Check out the photos from the ye-boT initiative exhibition!

Predsjednik Slovenije Danilo Türk posjetio izložbu Marka Zubaka u galeriji Tir, Nova Gorica.

Predsjednik Slovenije Danilo Türk posjetio izlozbu Marka Zubaka u galeriji Tir, Nova Gorica. Predsjednik Slovenije Danilo Türk posjetio izlozbu Marka Zubaka u galeriji Tir, Nova Gorica. Predsjednik Slovenije Danilo Türk posjetio izlozbu Marka Zubaka u galeriji Tir, Nova Gorica. Predsjednik Slovenije Danilo Türk posjetio izlozbu Marka Zubaka u galeriji Tir, Nova Gorica.

Fotograf: Nace Novak

Galerija Tir, Nova Gorica
Check out the photos from my show in Tir gallery in Nova Gorica.

Exhibition in gallery ‘Izidor Kršnjavi’, Zagreb, Croatia

plakat za show

Check out the photos of the exhibition on Flicker!

Bugbots izložba, Velesajam Kulture 6, SC, ZGB, ’09

Bugbots show, Zagreb

Bugbots show, Zagreb

Marko Zubak, Fine Arts degree. Fields: painting, sculpture, digital art, paper toys, animation.
Projects: #CryptoSkateboards, MLIBTY Shadows, Bugbots, yebomaycu project, ye-boT initiative. Download free papertoys.