Paintings update:
Patronize Mlibty Shadows on Patreon!
Seitz glutenFREI durch den Tag…
One of my latest side-projects, animation I did with Mladen Požeg, for Seitz-glutenfrei…
Study of the fall:
“Falling into infinity”
Cover design for ALLYS FATE:
MLIBTY CD cover for the punk rock band Allys Fate and their new EP Frozen Empire.
MLIBTY Shadows
One-night-only event, showcasing my work made during one month sojourn at “Siva” gallery.
Paintings update:
Propuh / Draught
“Dice Juggler”, monthly model for UPC
My latest paper toy is a contribution for this year’s Urban Paper Collective show, which theme is “Circus”. The show and workshop will take place during the first weekend of the KUNSTSOMMER ARNSBERG, Germany, 09-10. August.
You can download this model for a limited time only, so don’t waste your time a click here!
Or use »direct download.
Check out previous monthly models from my friends from Urban Paper Collective!
No place for paper toys
After thousands of years of war for sameness, petrification of human consciousness has overcome the biological limits of humans in the creation of world of objects. They have finally become objects themselves, sculptures with petrified consciousness. In the extremely violent surrounding of sameness, almost all forms of life have been extinguished or marginalized.
This is the story of a paper toy who dared to stand up against the sameness and intended to occupy it’s space in their world of object.
Annual exhibition of HDLU members, 2013.
Baranja Animation Festival (BAF!), Croatia
Animateka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Paintings update:
New paintings for the “City streets” chapter.
Can’t escape from art: Free Like a Paper Toy
Bloody % II: Bloody percents of asymmetry
“Bloody % II: Bloody percents of asymmetry” @ BLOCKHEAD
Released for limited time, as part of the international project by Peter Macapia,
BORROWORROB: In Search of Symmetry.
March 05 – 27, 2014
Home of the Croatian Artists
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb
Borroworrob: In many ways every artistic work is posed in relation to another force. This activity is already spatial. A question borrows space from the space that it questions, but this also robs the space it questions of its own space, sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little – doubling it, turning it inside out – returning symmetry to asymmetry. For this exhibition, Macapia brings together various questions concerning space, including economics, engaged urban research, and history.
»download closed
Small instalation scene, dedicated to the box.
See more images at SCULPTURE.
M.l.i.b.t.Y. sk8atbroads? – “THRESHOLD”
Just an experimental skate video I did from the rests of some skate footage and other trashy stuff, mixed with images of my MLIBTY Shadows sculpture series. The idea was to mix sculptures and skateboarding in one video, following the black&white aestetic of these sculptures and to wrap it all with a strong 2D graphic style, using the threshold effect.
MLIBTY Shadows are taking over the main role in the video, ignoring the individuality of the skaters as well as info in the credits of the video.
“No place for paper toys” @ Animateka 2013!
My video “No place for paper toys” will be screened on 10th edition of Animateka, International animated film festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the Eastern and Central European Panorama programme. The festival is taking place between the 2nd and the 8th December 2013.